Forever Beautiful

Beauty is highly valued by most, but what is real beauty?
Thoreau said, “We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh…any nobleness begins at once to refine a man’s features.”
A person who is happy, serene and peaceful, is truly beautiful; they have an inner radiance regardless of age. Beauty manifest itself as we take time for quietness and reflection; reducing the tempo of our lives, by doing simple things, like getting enough sleep and enjoying nutritious meals.

Self-esteem, springs from within. Knowing we are divine and created for a purpose far beyond our outward appearance is what gives true confidence. What we believe about ourself shows on our face. It alters our voice, and affects  our thoughts, feelings and even our body movements.

We owe it to ourself and all those around us, to be our most beautiful self. If we don’t think we look good, rarely will anyone else see the beauty in us. When we feel good about our appearance, it sets the stage for us to have a good day and to interact with others in a more positive way.

Smile! A smile makes everyone more beautiful and has tremendous ability to influence all those around us. Being enthusiastic and excited about life is super attractive.

Charitable actions always contribute to inner beauty; which results from the joy we gain, as we increase our worth by serving others. All truly beautiful people express their greatness by the size of their hearts. They are always kind and leave a fragrance of love on those they touch.

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